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Heal Your Body


Natural Healing

If an area (muscle, joints, organ etc) has blood flow obstructed then that area will suffer. Acupuncture works by increasing blood flow to a targeted area. Acupuncture helps deliver oxygen and nutrients via the blood to all parts of the body in an efficient manner. Since Acupuncture also stimulates the midbrain to release its own pain killers like enkephalins it can reduce or eradicate the need for medications such as analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs, which often come with unnecessary and unpleasant side-effects. As acupuncture has very few contra-indications, in most cases it is possible to continue taking your existing medication. It is also a relaxing and enjoyable experience.


Acupuncture Eastern Suburbs
Acupuncture Luke Whelan Clinic


An Ancient Science

To compliment Acupuncture treatments, Chinese herbal medicine is often used. We only use Chinese herbal patent medicines that are made under Australian standards with rigorous testing for quality control.  One or more herbal formulas may be taken for a short time for an acute condition or for an extended time for chronic health complaints.


Uniquely Australian

Bowen Therapy is an Australian technique developed by the late Tom Bowen in Geelong and is now practiced all over the world.  Luke has been lucky enough to learn from great teachers including Kevin Ryan who was one of the 6 men who observed Tom work.  Used mostly for musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction , it is a relatively gentle form of bodywork. The Bowen ‘move’ is unique and is like a flick over the muscle or tendon. Treatments can last anywhere from 10-20mins. It is widely thought that Bowen works by manipulating the fascia / connective tissue which in turn affects the muscles, tendons , ligaments, blood vessels and nerves. At Modern Acupuncture we often use Bowen as a stand-alone treatment or in combination with acupuncture with great results. As an example: a 50 year old peri-menopausal woman presents with neck and shoulder pain and headaches. She also has night sweats and hot flushes. The neck and shoulder and headaches could be addressed using Bowen, the hot flushes and night-sweats could be treated with acupuncture and Chinese medicine.

Bowen Therapy Frewville
bowen therapy
Chinese Medicine
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